• MICORLINE™ 320 L P S

    …. is an exceptionally corrosion and abrasion resistant, structural strength lining designed for immersion service at operating temperatures to 210°F. It features exceptional abrasion resistance, surpassing mild steel and AR plate. This excellent lining is unaffected by most acid and caustic solutions, covering a broad range of the PH scale. A combination of exceptional chemical resistance has produced a lining which greatly outlasts concrete, steel and stainless steel in its design applications.

    MICORLINE™ 320 is a three component epoxy, mixed to form a trowellable mortar applied at 1/8 inch thickness. Conveniently preportioned batches of material ensure accuracy and efficiency during application. MICORLINE™ 320 has been designed for ease in handling, reducing the surface imperfections resulting from sticky, difficult materials. MICORLINE™ 320 is easily applied to horizontal, vertical surfaces without sagging or tearing. Quick and easy application and cure elmiinate the need for extensive costly downtime.

    The extremely dense surface of MICORLINE™ 320 actually increases the flow of materials, preventing sticking, hang-ups and freeze ups and providing slip characteristics comparable to stainless steel. The Micor lining will not become rough with wear as do many cementitious and steel linings, wearing smooth even in the most abrasive environments.

    MICORLINE™ 320 is applied with no seams to leak, no weak grout lines, or joints, and no rough spots or edges to hang up on. MICORLINE™ 320 lining provides exceptional adhesion on concrete and steel resulting in excellent durability, structural strength and long lasting, maintenance-free service.

    Download the Micorline 320 Liner Product Info Sheet PDF


We encourage you to review each of these products.

Download the individual PDF fact sheets from each section for more information and then contact one of our representatives to assist you in choosing the right product for your specific needs.

  • MICORLINE™ 320 LINER is an exceptionally corrosion and abrasion resistant, structural strength lining designed for immersion service at operating temperatures to 210°F. It features exceptional abrasion resistance, surpassing mild steel and AR plate. This excellent liining is unaffected by most acid and caustic solutions, covering a broad range of the PH scale. A combination of exceptional chemical resistance has produced a lining which greatly outlasts concrete, steel and stainless steel in its design applications.

    MICORLINE™ 320 is a three component epoxy, mixed to form a trowellable mortar applied at 1/8 inch thickness. Conveniently preportioned batches of material ensure accuracy and efficiency during application. MICORLINE™ 320 has been designed for ease in handling, reducing the surface imperfections resulting from sticky, difficult materials. MICORLINE™ 320 is easily applied to horizontal, vertical surfaces without sagging or tearing. Quick and easy application and cure elmiinate the need for extensive costly downtime.

    The extremely dense surface of MICORLINE™ 320 actually increases the flow of materials, preventing sticking, hang-ups and freeze ups and providing slip characteristics comparable to stainless steel. The Micor lining will not become rough with wear as do many cementitious and steel linings, wearing smooth even in the most abrasive environments.

    MICORLINE™ 320 is applied with no seams to leak, no weak grout lines, or joints, and no rough spots or edges to hang up on. MICORLINE™ 320 lining provides exceptional adhesion on concrete and steel resulting in excellent durability, structural strength and long lasting, maintenance-free service.

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  • This guide has been prepared to assit customers in determining the suitability of products for applications. No guarantee as to performance in actual service is hereby provided. Consult with Micor for product recommendations for specific applications.

    We request that customers inspect and test our products to satify themselves as to the suitability for their operating conditions.

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  • MICORLINE™ 380-R LINER is a vinylester resin based lining designed for immersion service or exposure in harsh chemical environments. MICORLINE™ 380-R is roller applied in four coats to build a thickness of approximately 40 to 50 mil. MICORLINE™ 380-R is seamless, anti-stick and smooth, preventing material hang-up. This durable lining features excellent resistance to a wide variety of acids and alkalies over the entire range of the PH scale and to operating temperatures as high as 210°F.

    MICORLINE™ 380-R is easy to use and requires no special skills handling. It may be installed by a local contractor or plant personnel. MICORLINE™ 380-R is easily applied to horizontal, vertical and overhead surfaces and conforms to any shape. The layered installation method of the MICORLINE™ 380-R ensures total coverage, eliminating the problems associated with pinholes and porosity with many coatings and linings. Easy roller application eliminates the need for costly extended downtimes.

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  • MICORESTER 320-510N Is a vinyl ester based lining system which provides exceptional corrosion and abrasion resistance. It is designed to provide the maximum strength and chemical resistance in total immersion service in temperatures in excess of 230 degrees F. Its resistance to acids, bases and organic solvents is unsurpassed and it finds use in industries ranging from food to pulp and paper. The smooth surface wears evenly and resists pitting which might inhibit floor or cause unwanted turbulence. It is designed for use in tanks, trenches, chutes, cyclones, scrubbers, sumps and any other area where extreme chemical and abrasive wear might be expected.

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